Health and Medical Directory - Register Herald January 2022 | Página 3

DNA determines your reaction to caffeine

Caffeine is the most widely consumed psychostimulant in the world , but did you know your genetic code can determine if it has a positive or negative effect on your body ? Here ’ s a quick overview .
REACTIONS Consuming caffeine increases blood pressure and dilates blood vessels . While this can have a feel-good effect on some people , others may experience heart palpitations as a result .
One of the reasons for this difference in reactions is a specific enzyme that ’ s responsible for metabolizing it . Genetic variation determines how fast your kidneys can eliminate caffeine from your body . Consequently , it has practically no effect on people whose bodies can get rid of it quickly , but , it can increase the risk of hypertension in people whose bodies eliminate it slowly .
CONSUMPTION The amount of coffee you drink may also be linked to your DNA . Scientists have pinpointed two specific genes that are directly associated with how many cups of joe people drink per day . Additionally , these genetic sequences indicate whether someone feels the need to consume caffeine , and if so , how often .
If you ’ re concerned about your caffeine intake , make sure to discuss the issue with your doctor at your next appointment .

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