Health Advice from Alfi - Autumn / Winter 2014 Autumn / Winter | Page 14

1. Eat Well 5. Embrace Garlic Breath Keep your immune system at its best by ensuring you eat a well-balanced diet. Hot drinks and meals will also help to keep you warm. For your immune system to be able to respond and defeat infections, it requires you to intake enough proteins, vitamins and minerals. Heavily loaded with allicin, garlic is rich with both antibacterial and antiviral properties making it a perfect ingredient in winter meals. A UK study tells that individuals who take garlic supplements reduce their chance of catching cold by more than 50%. Take it in tablet form or add it fresh to meals. 2. Hydrate, Then Hydrate Some More Dehydration is the most-common reasons why bacteria and viruses tend to hang around and continue to make you feel ill. You may never feel thirsty during the winter but staying hydrated is just as beneficial as it is during the warm summer. Some simple ideas include starting each day with a glass of lemon water to help boost your immune system, drink several glasses of water and mix it up with juices and herbal teas. Remember that as comforting as tea or coffee are, they can cause dehydration so should be drunk in moderation. 'Staying active during winter is vital for health and wellbeing.' 3. Quit Smoking If you haven’t already quit, now would be the time to do so. Smokers are more susceptible to upper respiratory infections, which tend to strike during winter. Smoking also decreases the effectiveness of your immune system, leading to other complications and illnesses. 'Garlic is rich with both antibacterial and antiviral properties.' 4. Sleep Well 6. Get the Flu and Pneumo Jab Adequate sleeping (at least 8 hours for an adult) helps keep the immune system strong. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol and caffeine as these can affect the amount and quality of your sleep. Regular relaxation techniques, moderate exercise and establishing a regular sleep routine can help promote better sleep time. The elderly and those with chronic illness run a higher risk of catching a flu. So it is wise to talk to your GP about getting a flu jab. Also, the pneumococcal vaccine is a one-off jab that helps protect against pneumonia, septicaemia and meningitis. 13 | Autumn Winter 2014 7. Keep Moving Exercise boosts the immune system by promoting production of white blood cells that fight off flu, cold and infections. Although it is a bit harder to find the motivation to exercise when it is cold outside, remember that staying active during winter is vital for health and wellbeing. 8. Consider Your Mental Health Too Many of us feel more lonely and isolated during the winter when the short days mean we venture outside less and see fewer people. If you notice you are feeling lonely, invite a friend or a family member around for a chat. You may also express your anxieties to a GP. Autumn Winter 2014 | 14