•Works cannot give you what grace can, but grace can give you what works can’t. Paul believed in grace that is why he said in 1st Cor. 15:10 that even though he labored, it is not he that labored but the grace of God in his life. Without grace, work is useless and not productive. “For by strength shall no man prevail” Without grace we can do nothing.
•It is grace that gives meaning and result to any work substantial. Without grace work is dead, grace makes works to be seen. Grace promotes works. It is grace that makes our works of righteousness accepted before God. Without grace, our works are like filthy rags and stinks before God. Without grace, our works cannot make us right before God.
•Grace is an enablement. Grace is the root to all our works. Every of our works hangs on grace. Without grace, our works are dead works.
•Grace qualifies us to enjoy the blessings of God.
•Grace gives preferential divine treatment
•Grace gives unmerited favour.
•Grace is the foundation of words. Every good work is possible because
•The blood of Jesus brought grace. In other words, grace is the product of the blood of Jesus. So hope on what the blood brought and not on works.
•All that you can ever be is by grace. Grace is needed for destiny fulfillment. Grace is all-encompassing
•If your work is not graced, you cannot be graced
•Works have limit but grace has no limit
•The grace of God is limited in your life if you constantly think and believe your works is all that you need. If all your confidence is in your works or strength, then you have shut the potency of grace in your life.
•To flow in abundant grace, you must believe in grace. You must also have the right understanding of the harmonious relationship that exists between works and grace. Works combined with grace, produces tremendous result.