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living manna ministries int'l, 1520
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by ochemu AUSTIN
Merry Christmas and happy new year in arrear. You are welcome to this month edition of Relationship for singles. But before I proceed, I want to believe that you were richly blessed in our December Edition. I will begin this month edition to say this that:
“ The biologists may not agree with me because each time they see male and female toads together they immediately conclude that they are mating. But this is not the message they are communicating to single, rather they are saying something differently. If all singles adhere to this fact, they will have a blissful marital life. Though it may sound like fiction, but fiction capture reality and becomes truth. After all, most of the information on love are based on literature. And issue about romance defies scientific investigations.”
This article promises to be better and we hope to throw more insight to dating game, which we think is a prerequisite to Happy and Fulfill Marriage.
Like I said earlier, that relationship is by choice and not by chance, therefore Dating is an opportunity to make that informed choice.
Every man has a dream and every woman has a desire, hoping that one day they find their perfect partner that will help fulfill their dream and desire. Interestingly, your perfect partner exists, if only you are ready to do the necessary preparation before you find someone that fit into your purpose and plan.
“Marriage is not about finding MR RIGHT or MISS RIGHT But making yourself Right”
This edition is not about dating alone is also about getting yourself prepared. If you are not prepared before choosing a life partner, you will make wrong choice. This is one of the greatest factors that is responsible for heart breaks and divorce that is prevalent in out society today.
In my long search/research for the purpose of marriage, I have come to realize that most singles & married alike do not know the purpose of marriage. I am sorry to say this but this is the gospel truth. There are little or no information on the purpose of marriage, we are only fed with fiction and no fact about marriage.
See, people go to school to learn different professions, yet there is no institution to learn about marriage which is a lifelong institution/profession.
The Church which is organization that encourages marriage have not created a platform to educate both Singles & Married on the issue of marriage. I am sorry with all sincerity that Churches have failed the responsibility to restore broken marriages to its original plan and purpose by God.
We sincerely hope that our articles, seminars and workshops will serve as a MARRIAGE MANUAL for both Singles and Married, and as psychology for new culture of relationships in Jesus name (Amen)
If love is about emotion we need” emotional Education”. But if Dating /Marriage is about reality we need REALITY TEACHER of marriage. This edition is about reality teaching as oppose to literature review about dating and relationship. This teaching is born out of reality research, interviews, seminars and one on one counselings. We shall take a look at questions from the questionnaire administered to group of singles.
This is an excerpt from the questionnaire. I must say here that we had a SAD STATISTICS though we will not give you detail analysis of this. It is for another day.
From our interview and questionnaires, we reliably gathered that all singles between the Age of 20-40 have been in one relationship or the other. It therefore suggests that virtually all singles have been in one dating games or the other. 90% says they have been a victim of heartbreaks