Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 8, Issue- 5, 1 November 2023 | Page 6

Don ' t Act Like You Have Time to Waste . You Don ' t .

Is our obsession with productivity a way of avoiding our own mortality ?

KEY POINTS Author of " Four Thousand Weeks ," Oliver Burkeman says obsessive productivity stems from fear of mortality .

The book discusses the challenges of time management and how to make the most of your limited time on earth .

We often focus on the future , put off making commitments , and distract ourselves from the reality of life .

If the Amazon website opened one second slower , it ’ s estimated that the company would lose over a billion dollars a year . One of the major complaints I hear from couples is that they are too busy — so much to do , so little time ; they feel they are passing in the night . We try to squeeze as much in our days as possible and always feel behind . Our society is too fast-paced ; social