Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 8, issue - 4, 1 October 2023 | Page 32

grew up and went on with the business of making my way in the world . 

Later , after a near death experience , the encounters came to the forefront again . I still refused to talk about them with others , fearing even more what would be determined about my state of mental stability . However , I was grateful for their guidance and their love . They always radiated complete love and peace , like nothing I had felt before , except from them and in the space between life and death .
Their guidance was always kind and it was always helpful . I didn ' t always listen or understand the guidance , but I learned to ask questions when I didn ' t understand , just as you would with a tender and gentle teacher . 

I have since come to know many other people who admit to knowing their own guides and trusting them as wise counsellors and friends . It no longer seems like such a strange idea to me to be open about this , yet I am aware that for many this is a taboo subject that speaks of witchcraft or mental illness . 

I also know that not everyone is aware of their guides . I believe we all have them , some of us simply may not be tuned in or may be expecting to receive a connection in the same way as others do . Our brains are all unique and we each receive information in different ways . Some may receive information from their guides through visual stimulation in the mind , with images appearing in the mind ' s eye or perceiving things in their environment more clearly than others .
Others may receive sounds very clearly in their ears or as words in their heads . Some may receive a sudden " knowing ", very clear information about something they have no previous knowledge about . There are many ways to receive information and some receive in a combination of these . 

You do not need to be connected to or aware of your guides to practice Reiki . Sometimes new practitioners become very concerned that , this hasn ' t happened for them . Chances are , you are receiving information and you simply aren ' t aware of it . There is no need to worry about being a " bad " practitioner or that you aren ' t spiritual enough if you aren ' t aware of your guides ! You are fine !
You can keep setting the intention that you would like to connect with your guides , in the way that is most appropriate for you . Ask that any blocks or fears you have about receiving information from guides be removed as well .