Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 8, issue - 4, 1 October 2023 | Page 14

Lack of sleep is killing us !

Well that ' s what you might believe if you read intermittent news headlines . ( Links given below )
Mind you as alarmist as most headlines are there is truth that poor sleep can intensify anger and impair adaptation to frustrating circumstances ( 1 ) make us more emotionally unbalanced ( 2 ) and less able to think ( 3 ) increase hunger leading to possible weight gain ( 4 ) and leave us vulnerable to potentially serious accidents ( 5 ) So I guess sometimes alarmaism is called for . And it ' s estimated that up to half of people experience insomnia in a given year ( 6 ) So chances are at least some of your clients will be suffering from insufficient sleep quantity and quality and they will need your help .
Here , I give you three more techniques to help your clients achieve the sleep of their dreams . Here ' s to making the most of natures healing balm ,
 References for above points :
( 1 ) Zlatan Krizan , Garrett Hisler . Sleepy anger : Restricted sleep amplifies angry feelings .. Journal of Experimental Psychology : General , 2018 ; DOI : 10.1037 / xge0000522 ( 2 ) https :// www . sciencedirect . com / science / article / pii / S1087079209001178 ( 3 ) https :// www . sciencedirect . com / science / article / pii / S1389945707002560 ( 4 ) https :// onlinelibrary . wiley . com / doi / full / 10.1111 / j . 1365-2869.2008.00662 . x ( 5 ) https :// ajph . aphapublications . org / doi / abs / 10.2105 / AJPH . 82.7.1011 ( 6 ) https :// en . wikipedia . org / wiki / Insomnia
Regular , deep sleep is necessary for a healthy life , so here are some more tips for treating insomnia
" Don ' t it always seem to go That you don ' t know what you ' ve got ' till it ' s gone ." - Joni Mitchell
Sometimes life feels like a charging beast , breathing down your back , hunting you down with its deadlines and responsibilities . Electronic pokes , tweets and pings jolt your overloaded brain .