They are self-starters who are not afraid of hard work , with the ability to follow their own interests and visions through to completion . V ’ s are loyal and determined , are true survivors and security-seekers . Known as the one who gets the job done , V ’ s are dependable , reliable and consistent . Negatively , people with the letter V as their initial can be quite ruthless .
W is the numerical equivalent of the number 5 and represents self-expression and freedom . People with the initial W are generally very artistic and creative in all that they undertake . People with the initial W generally love pleasure and need to watch for overindulgence and impulsiveness . This impulsive nature can see them enter a situation only to discard it just as easily . W ’ s do not hang onto anything that creates monotony in their lives and they abhor routine and a dull , monotonous occupation is ' death ' to them . W ' s personal life may be full of unexpected change and variety , and at times they may experience too many changes at once , making them scatter their energies . This can lead to a lack of application and discipline , which leaves nothing of lasting value . 5 , being the number of freedom , fun and adventure , encourages W people to live their lives filled with adventure ; otherwise their lives may become too ' dramatic ' as they look for activity , and will create chaos themselves if bored . W ’ s often have a hard time settling down and have an innate fear of being trapped and smothered , particularly within relationships . Negatively , people with W ’ s can be greedy and take too many unnecessary risks .
The letter X is the alphabetical equivalent of the number 6 , which represents selflessness , love and sexuality . People with the letter X as their initial are generally very loving , sexy and sensual . The number 6 symbolises the principle of nurturing , caring and harmony , giving X people the need for stability and a solid home-base with comfort and warmth . X is the teacher , the trainer and parent . X loves tradition and is healthorientated . X ’ s are happiest in conventional or familiar surroundings – and can become opinionated and anxious when insecure . X ’ s are rarely selfish and may take on the burdens of others unnecessarily .