Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue- 1, 1 July 2022 | Page 25

with The Magician . Magicians are fun and entertaining but they also have a dark side . The Magician can sometimes be a card of trickery and deception . Also , a traditional interpretation of The Magician is that it represents a con artist . Therefore , it is a marker that someone is your life may not be as forthcoming as you would like .
Another card traditionally associated with deception , The Moon deserves a place in my top 10 Tarot cards which symbolise cheating and infidelity . In fact , I would say that - out of all the cards on this list - The Moon is the one I would make likely associated with unfaithfulness . In divination , darkness can be interpreted as symbolising things which are hidden from you . Even to dream about night time can mean that all is not as it seems . Not knowing all there is to know about your relationship can obviously signal that you are not being told the truth . The Moon is also similar to The High Priestess in that it can represent intuition and secrets . Usually , when there is infidelity involved , the seeker has a hunch or feeling that something is not quite right with their relationship and that is why they are looking for infidelity in a Tarot reading . Often , The Moon means that you already know the truth you are just looking for your Tarot cards to confirm your suspicions . 

So , that ’ s it for Tarot cards which represent cheating and infidelity . If you haven ’ t already , be sure to check out them
Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher . 
 Through her website , she teaches over 1 million 
 yearly visitors how to make divination a lifestyle , 
 not just an occasional practice . 
 Her divination book , The Modern Oracle , 
 was published in 2021 . Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers , 

Lisa has always had a passion 
 for psychic development and related subjects . 

Through her work , she teaches diviners , 
 how to give more confident readings . 
 www . divinationandfortunetelling . com