Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 7, Issue- 1, 1 July 2022 | Page 23

The 2 of Pentacles is a common feature in readings where there is infidelity . The reason why , is because the 2 of Pentacles often indicates a juggling act .
The 2 of Pentacles can mean that your partner is balancing their time between more than one lover . They may be stressed because they are attempting to split their resources between you and someone else . Therefore , you will see the 2 of Pentacles in love readings where there is cheating involved . 

The High Priestess is a typical infidelity Tarot card for two reasons , both of which can be found in The High Priestess ’ main meanings . Firstly , The High Priestess is a card of intuition . It usually advises you follow and listen to your gut . This card can mean that your hunches are correct if you suspect your partner is cheating on you . Secondly , The High Priestess can also represent things which are hidden , unknown and kept in secret . Therefore , obviously this card can mean that your partner is keeping things from you , which is a common occurrence in infidelity .

The 7 of Swords is the stereotypical infidelity card . In fact , one of its main meanings is deception . It symbolises someone is doing something they ’ re not meant to ( and trying to get away with it ). So , the 7 of Swords in your Tarot reading can obviously predict that your partner is lying to you . 

Infidelity is most people ’ s worst nightmare . It is no surprise then that The Tower - the card of destruction and shock - is a Tarot card which often means there is unfaithfulness within a relationship .
Usually , The Tower represents the unexpected . Therefore , if your partner is being unfaithful it is not going to be with someone you would normally suspect . The person they are cheating with will take you by surprise .
However , I should state that The Tower doesn ’ t always mean that there is infidelity in your relationship , especially if you have convinced yourself that your partner has definitely cheated on you . Because it is the card of shocks and the unexpected , this can predict that your lover is not actually cheating on you ; they are probably keeping a different type of secret , one you haven ’ t even considered .