इिन्द्रयािण पराण्याहुिरिन्द्रयेभ्यः परं मनः । मनसस्तु परा बुिद्धयोर् बुद्धेः परतस्तु सः �
The senses are superior to the gross body , and superior to the senses is the mind . Beyond the mind is the intellect , and even beyond the intellect is the soul . ( Srimadbhagvat Geeta : Chapter 3 Verse 14 )
How does forgiveness affect your personality ? How powerful is it ? FORGIVENESS
True Forgiveness leads to Freedom . It has a key to change everything in your heart .
It is a promise of growth .
its positivity shifts one ’ s energy
It gives light hearted ness and spring to your steps .
It gives universe its chance to bring natural justice .
It is very powerful , it changes things instantly .
1 . You forgive from within not just stoping yourself from reacting while you hold all the pain inside and want the other person to be grateful for it .
2 . You forgive for yourself with no expectation , reaction or gain from the other party .
3 . You forgive and move on . FORGIVENESS is by no means PUTTING UP with the toxicity ….. that ’ s a very common mistake people commit .
With toxic people and situation forgive and move on , don ' t stay there to get hurt again and again and again ……. You have only one life to live . Forgiveness do not change people , it changes you . Their change and growth is their responsibility not yours ……