Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 6, Issue- 1, 1 July 2021 | Page 15

When we call upon angelic aid , we must do so from a place within ourselves of love , trust , humility and clarity . As long as your requests are positive and do not interfere with your own life ’ s plan , the angels are able to answer your call and give you appropriate , loving help and guidance .
For the angels to heal your situation , you must completely release it and let it go . This allows the angels to deal with it and heal it . We need to trust that the infinite wisdom of the Universe will come up with the best solution possible .
After releasing the problem or situation to the angels , you may be prompted to take some human steps to help resolve the situation . The instructions will come to you intuitively , either in a dream , as a voice or a ‘ knowingness ’. These directions are the answers to your prayers and you are to take ‘ right action ’, whatever that may entail , to resolve your challenging situations .
No situation is too big or too small for the angels to resolve it for you . There is no task that angels cannot help us with . Angels are completely dedicated to helping humanity spirituality as well as in practical ways .
Keeping in contact with angels helps to attune the mind and heart to your higher-self . You can ask to be surrounded by as many angels as you like , and it is advisable to ask the angels to surround your loved ones - children , partner , family , friends and associates . You are also able to ask the angels to direct their energies and blessings towards others all over the earthplane .
You do not need a specific ritual , ceremony or invocation … you simply need to ask with sincerity and with the highest intentions in mind and heart .
The guidance you receive from angels will help you abundantly , no matter what you believe about how the Universe works or not . Whether you see angelic guidance as an opportunity to change a bad habit or negative attitude , or whether you see it as ‘ repayment ’ of a ‘ karmic debt ’ - you are going to be helped by it .
When you consciously engage angels in with heartfelt intentions , asking for their help and support , amazing things are guaranteed to happen . You will be helped in unexpected ways by unforeseen and unexpected sources .
Nothing happens without a reason . We are always given what we need and are never given more than we can handle .