Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 72

artfully vague , in a way that is inclusive of everyone ’ s experience . For example :
b ) “ And as I talk … a very pleasant memory can begin to come to mind … of a place you really enjoyed visiting … maybe quite some years ago … or more recently … and it ’ s a place you can revisit … here … and enjoy all over again … as you prepare to take in the sights … the sounds … and the sensations of this place … now or in a few moments .”
Notice how the second example in each case is much harder to disagree with , because you ’ re allowing for a broader range of possible responses . This means that they are likely to connect with far more people in the group .
3 . Focus on who is most responsive to your words
There is a rule of thumb in stand-up comedy that it ’ s best to focus on the people who are laughing at your jokes , rather than worrying about the curmudgeon who ’ s glaring at you in the second row . Put your primary focus on the people that are responding best to your words , and it will tend to lift the mood of the whole crowd over the course of the session .
The same is true of group hypnosis .
There will always be some people in a group who go very deeply into hypnosis , who look like they ’ re away with the fairies , or like they ’ re going through a really transformational change . Others may appear restless , as if they ’ re still trying to get comfortable . One or two might choose to sit with their eyes open . Or , as occasionally happens , someone may well start snoring !
All we can do is incorporate whatever happens . And from experience , I find it most effective to begin by directing my attention towards the people who are going most deeply into hypnosis . This immediately increases my own confidence and flow , which helps to deepen the group ’ s experience .
Then , further into the hypnosis , I ’ ll start to broaden my attention to include the whole room .
This is a way of applying a solution-focused mindset to group hypnosis . You first focus on the people who are responding most to your words ,