Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 37

fastest way to do this is through gratitude . Take to heart our Reiki Principle : Just for today , be grateful . Find all the minuscule and grandiose things in your life to be grateful for . The Universe will respond by giving you more things to be grateful for . Reiki Application : Send Reiki to all the money showing up in your life ! Bless all checks , cash , and Venmo transfers with Reiki !

Tip 2 . Believe that your financial situation can and will change for the better ! Get clear on your desires by writing them out in a positive way . For example , “ I create financial opportunity to cover all bills and expenses and have enough to overflow into savings , spending , donations , etc .” Reiki Application : Offer Reiki to your list of financial desires !

Tip 3 . Forgive yourself and others for financial wrongdoing . You are not your credit card statement or your student loan debt . If you struggle with your past financial decisions , reevaluate the way you look at them . Move from a victim lens to one of empowerment . What lessons did you learn and how will you make decisions in the future ? When talking about your past financial lessons , slow down your reaction time and choose positive affirming statements . For example , “ I choose to make new positive financial decisions .”

Reiki Application : Using HSZSN , Reiki your past financial situations and anyone who you may blame for your financial hardship , including yourself .
Tip 4 . Get clear and set goals ! Journal on why do you desire money and what you would do if it showed up . Desire is the Universe ’ s way of pointing you in the direction of your dreams . Your job is to ask and to be specific about your desires . The Universe will take care of How . Stop denying yourself this key component . The Universe did not forget you and has a purpose for your life ! Reiki Application : Reiki the desires written in your journal entry .

Tip 5 . Focus on your purpose ! You need money to fully manifest your Reiki Dreams . Define your Reiki Dreams , follow your enthusiasm and joy . Face your fears and press forward with faith . Go for it ! The Universe will guide and support you . Reiki Application : Spend 5 minutes per day offering Reiki using HSZSN on your Reiki Dreams .