Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 163

15 JUNE2021 Special

What is so important in your life that you cannot afford not to take a break from it ? What is not recieving adaquate thought on your part ? What are you overlooking as potential consequences ?" The Meditator " its presence is an indication to begin or deepen a spiritual sadhana or practice more things can be sought by prayers than this world dreams of . Heightened mystical sensibility - seek the answer within . Check out your decisions they may be taken in good interntentions thinking about others , but they can be terrible decision , later on they will help no one . Visit to the hospitals either for other people or for tests . Recupuration , convalecence , and rejuvenation - they are imperetive , and if old habits and action are persisted in then the relaxation will be karmically enforced . Wise administration , circumspect thought and action , Gettingthings in order - specially the mental processes . Change the trajectory of life after reassessing where one is . ( Wisdom - Guide ) 1 . Wholeness - We all are a part of the continent - varied but not seperated our actions culminates to the
. consequences to all . 2 . Play : Apply the dimension of play - be in every activity you do so totally that the end is irrelevant . The end will come it has to come . But , its not on your mind you are playing , you are enjoying . 3 . The foolish heart : Heart is where the God is Mind is where the Maya ( illusion ) - So collect data through mind , but for decision go deeper in heart .
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