Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 155

“ People with better hand writing have a higher level of confidence than those whose handwriting is not so good .”

Graphology or Handwriting Analysis 
 And Neural Programming

“ People with better hand writing have a higher level of confidence than those whose handwriting is not so good .”
Graphology and its connection to neural research . There are so many researches which has proven that your handwriting is the neural map of your mind . It can show whats going on in there and , at the same time just by changing your handwriting you may shift your old neural pathways to the new ones and can actually find different results . 
 Writing makes integral impressions in the learning part of our brain as proven by the Neural science . It aids better learning , and typing cannot compete with that . Since , typing cannot give this benefit or alterations . So its time to go back to writing and not just writing but a good penmanship is needed . Why ?
 According to Neurolinguistic programming and neurophysiology impressions taken by touch or ‘ Haptic ’ ( refers to the process of touching ) movements actually leave deeper imprint on our mind . The process of reading and writing involves a number of senses . When writing by hand , our brain receives feedback from our motor actions , together with the sensation of touching a pencil and paper . These kinds of feedback is significantly different from those we receive when touching and typing on a keyboard . 

Many researches by neurophysiologist has proven that , different parts of the brain are activated when we read letters we have learned by handwriting . When writing by hand , the movements involved leave a motor memory in the sensorimotor part of the brain , which helps us recognise letters .