Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 149

When you attend hypnosis for insomnia , you can expect positive changes in all of these areas . Insomnia hypnotherapy can help you get relief from insomnia and , as a result , put your life back together .
3 . Insomnia Hypnotherapy is Flexible
You can easily combine hypnosis for insomnia with other methods to improve your sleep .
• Hypnosis for insomnia combines well with cognitive behavioural treatment ( 1 ) if you feel you would like a dual approach to leave no stone unturned .
4 . Sleep Hypnosis Helps You Get to the Root Cause
When you use self hypnosis you typically work only with suggestion hypnosis . While suggestion hypnosis is powerful and can make all the difference with insomnia , when you attend a hypnotist you have more choices of how to get at the issue . For long lasting or medium to severe insomnia I recommend giving “ Regression Hypnosis ” a go . You may be surprised to find what deeper issue may be driving the insomnia from deep inside . Our “ Subconscious mind programming ” can be elusive to spot in everyday consciousness . But with hypnotherapy , you can get to the source and dismantle the issue at the source . Once the underlying cause is removed , the path is clear for a full recovery .
5 . Lasting Change
Any changes you achieve when you include regression work with your treatment of hypnosis for insomnia , are lasting changes that will stand by you in the years to come . This is because you will have removed the root cause , not just the symptoms . Examples for potential root causes behind insomnia could be underlying anxiety issues , or varying degrees of childhood trauma . Over time if not dealt with , these can impact your resilience to stress and make you susceptible to stress symptoms such as insomnia . Once the root cause is removed , your nervous system can relax once more and re-balance itself . This means that the changes you make using sleep hypnosis are here to stay . They will likely stand by you in other ways , too . You rarely remove just one issue when you work with regression hypnosis . When you dismantle anxiety , for example , this will have a knock on effect on self esteem and confidence also .