Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 148

7 Wonderful Benefits of Hypnosis for Insomnia 

1 . Take Advantage of a Natural Treatment for Insomnia
With hypnosis for insomnia , take advantage of a completely natural method that works only through your mind to re-calibrate your sleep patterns . While sleep medication is always on option , doctors are becoming increasingly conservative about prescribing it . Typically sleep medication is only recommended for short term use these days . Long term usage carries the risk of your body becoming used to the drug which leads to having to take a higher dosage- but taking a higher and higher dosage can become life threatening because your breathing could stop while you sleep . To cut a long story short- while required in the short term to settle severe insomnia , sleeping pills are not a viable long term solution for insomnia . If you do decide to take it you should also be aware just like any other medication , sleep medication has side effects . Some of its side effects can interfere with your day to day life . For example , many people on sleep medication report day time drowsiness which may make it unsafe to drive or operate machinery safely . In contrast :
• With hypnosis for insomnia , you are going the natural route avoiding dependency on medication .
• Hypnosis for insomnia is free from side effects .
• With hypnosis for insomnia , your body gets a chance to recover naturally- in other words , to make a genuine full recovery .
2 . Hypnosis for Insomnia Helps You Improve Your Quality of Life
When your recovery happens naturally this will reflect in an improved quality of life . Loss of sleep will affect all areas of your life . To name just a few :
• Insomnia may put strain on your relationships .
• Your concentration will suffer .
• It will be harder if not impossible to keep up performance levels at work .
• Your overall sense of well being will suffer .