Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 142


Many celebrities attribute their wildly successful lives to the law of attraction . They subscribe to a lifestyle that cultivates good vibes and they hang out with people who use positive language . They crave inspiring words from books , exciting environments of nature , and uplifting feelings from eating well and taking care of themselves . It ’ s not about their looks , there are plenty of successful people that don ’ t look like supermodels , it ’ s about their vibes .
The law of attraction is a law of the Universe just as real as the ones we study in school . In some more progressive private schools , the law of attraction is taught as a fact of life just like chemistry . If you hang out with people who are movers and shakers , it will come up , all the time . It ’ s because they ’ ve experienced the benefits and it ’ s now a huge part of their life .
So how do you move from not knowing anything about the law of attraction to using it in your daily life ?
In this article , we will first help you understand just how this whole law of attraction thing works . Then we ’ ll provide you with 5 techniques you can start using today to manifest what you want using the law of attraction . We will also provide you with 4 common pitfalls people experience when using the law of attraction , as well as how to overcome them . Finally , if part of you is still a doubting Debbie , we have some scientific proof that the law of attraction is a real and valid approach to achieving your greatest dreams .