Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 137



Amethyst is one of the most well-known crystals for helping break addictive tendencies and fostering positive routines . Amethyst is known as an “ anti-drunkenness ” stone , and was used to make wine goblets in Ancient Rome to prevent inebriation . This stone can help improve your will-power and ability to say “ no ” to situations or habits that don ’ t serve you in the long run . What feels good today might make for a really crummy tomorrow , so allow this stone to help you stay focused on the endgame , and make the best of the journey along the way .


Staurolite is a mineral that resembles a cross , and thusly it was given the nickname of the “ fairy cross .” This stone is excellent at helping you release things , whether they be relationships , situations or habits that no longer serve your higher purpose . This stone gives you the power and the bravery to let go of any negative traits that you might feel you can ’ t live without .


Chrysocolla is a gentle stone that encourages gentleness within yourself . It ’ s twice as hard to let go of bad habits when you ’ re being too hard on yourself ; this stone encourages you to see the good within , and acknowledge the hard work you ’ ve done to get where you are . This stone prevents you from acting out of fear , which is where many of our negative routines are created : the well of fear within . This stone helps you empty that well and replace it with the relieving waters of faith .


Onyx is a smooth stone that is black as night . This stone banishes and thwarts negative energy , allowing your space to be filled with positive vibes . This stone , like amethyst , also boosts will-power and helps you make better decisions that work for the best in the long run .