Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 119

Words and Metaphor in Conversational Hypnosis Conversational hypnosis utilises words to create trance , but does so much more casually than structured and rigid trance inductions . A skilled hypnotist can utilise language to guide a listener into a receptive state , where options may be considered , memories can be accessed , and change can happen . A classic example of this is the use of metaphor . Metaphor is when one thing stands for something else . A group of raucous lawyers might be called a kindergarten class . A family argument might be referred to as a knife fight , or a nuclear meltdown . 

Metaphor is a powerful method of causing change , because our brains have a pattern matching system that automatically finds similarity between different things . If we meet someone we like or dislike on sight , the pattern matching of the fusiform gyrus in the brain has found someone in our personal history that this person reminds us of .

Words can do the same thing . When we tell a story that is rich in metaphor , our unconscious minds find similarities between the story and our own situation at that time . The result might be an instant understanding of a solution to a problem , or an insight into our relationships .

This is because it ’ s the way our brains naturally work . The Power of Hypnotic Symbols Symbolism also fits well into the category of metaphors . There are many symbols of the unconscious mind itself , that are cross-cultural . The moon , a pond of still water , a mirror , a forest , are all unconscious symbols . When we drop them into our stories , the subject ’ s deep mind begins to take notice . 

Spooky gothic-style stories are filled with specific symbols designed to create anticipation and tension . This is what makes the stories enjoyable . You ’ ll often find elements like stormy nights , run-down castles on windswept cliffs , lonely lighthouses in thick fog , and waves crashing on rocks . There are often mysterious travellers on night-trains , washed-out roads , phones that don ’ t work , and stranded guests thrown together in strange circumstances . Sometimes you ’ re told about escaped convicts , lights in the windows of deserted asylums , and missing family members ...

If you took the time to read that last paragraph carefully , it would have caused what we call resonance . All of those creepy elements would compound with each other and create a spooky feeling or unsettling emotion .