Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Special Issue, 15 June 2021 | Page 115

What is Conversational Hypnosis ?

Conversational Hypnosis Techniques and Principles Made Easy

The field of hypnosis is vast and fascinating , and it ’ s currently undergoing its greatest boom since the 1880s . From conversational hypnosis and direct hypnosis in hypnotherapy , to stage shows , to impromptu street hypnosis , hypnosis is everywhere ! Never before have so many hypnotists been practicing so many kinds of hypnosis . In this article we discuss conversational hypnosis techniques and principles . It ’ s a cool topic because only a relatively small number of hypnotists practice it . We hope to change that . Arguably the greatest hypnotist in history , psychiatrist Milton H . Erickson , was the foremost master of conversational hypnosis , and he developed a lot of unique techniques that we ’ ll look at . We ’ ll give you the tools to make it work for you too . So let ’ s get started …

What is Conversational Hypnosis ?

When you first think of “ conversational hypnosis ” it tends to sound strange and almost jarring . I mean ... isn ’ t hypnosis all about putting somebody in a trance so they look like they ’ re asleep , and then getting them to quit smoking , or perhaps engage in strange behaviours for an audience ? Yes and no . I say that because there is a lot more to hypnosis than the conventional public perception of having your eyes closed while slumped over in a chair or acting like a fool on stage . In reality , a skilled hypnotist is able to induce trance and cause change through what is a seemingly ordinary conversation .

This is what we mean by conversational hypnosis . It ’ s a scientific and systematic method of putting someone in a trance by just talking to them . In case you ’ re also wondering about covert hypnosis , it is exactly the same thing as conversational hypnosis . The only difference is , when doing covert hypnosis , you ’ d be more subtle and you would not openly disclose that you ’ re doing anything hypnotic .

Why would anyone do covert hypnosis ? Because if you need to help someone change and you don ’ t think they ’ d be open to a hypnotic experience , you can still help them through conversation that is hypnotic without explaining that it ’ s hypnotic .