Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -9, 1 March 2021 | Page 33

unlimited access to an emotional state that will attract more positive experiences to your reality .
To Get Into the Energy of One Specific Life Path , You Can :
To grow a trait you feel is not something that comes naturally to you , immerse yourself in the information that will create habits of thinking that can support that type of mindset . For example , if you ’ re not naturally intuitive , study mediation . If you lack organisation , make an effort to stay extra organised . You can do anything you set your mind to with sustained efforts over time . Research people with your life path number and study their work . If they have a book about their life , read it !


Use numerology for your foundation of success . When you know yourself , you can start to grow taller than you ever thought possible . You ’ ll always be aware of areas to work on and skills to highlight as your personal gifts . When you can talk about yourself in a more positive light and understand your values are just as valid as someone else ’ s , you can start to love yourself and others with more mutual understanding . The self-respect and depth of wisdom you gain from understanding life path numbers allows you to see inside of people ’ s hearts and minds so you can live a deeper , more enriched life .
Shannon Yrizarry
Shannon Yrizarry has taught metaphysical subjects since 2013 including the deeply esoteric lineage of kundalini yoga . She has worked as a healer , clairvoyant and card reader and been featured as a dream interpreter on Viceland ’ s Nuts + Bolts show as well as for Mercedes Benz and Refinery29 . She has read Tarot for The Zoe Report , done readings for stars and aims to bring the empowering wisdom of astrology mainstream . With a bold voice , she wants to uplift consciousness to help us evolve to a healthier more spiritual society . Her classes can be found online at www . HOI . TV / authors / shannon and you can follow her daily inspirations on Instagram @ shannonyrizarry . She also teaches kundalini yoga in Portland ,
Oregon . What gets her out of bed is helping people align with their soul purpose . Shannon is the author of two books published by Llewellyn Worldwide , Psychic Yoga and
Modern Guide to Meditation Beads .