Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -9, 1 March 2021 | Seite 26

bushes are blooming in a rockery . I ask her if the scene reminds her of anything . She says , " It makes me think of the Mormon Tabernacle choir singing ' How Beautiful Upon the Mountain ' because this is like a painting , entirely different than a real landscape . It is so beautiful that I ' m awestruck ." At this point in the dream Marion worries that someone might realise she ' s missing , so she walks out to a road . A car stops . Inside are two women who say they ' ve been looking for her , so she gets in . When they arrive home , a man is waiting at the door for her . She feels safe and supported .
After hearing her dream , I asked Marion if she would like to do a guided visualisation to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir . She agreed and we imagined her going to Salt Lake City , entering the Temple and sitting down as the organ begins . When the visualisation was clear in her mind , I asked her to describe it . " The organ is so powerful , my body is vibrating . The choir has such magic that anyone who heard it would be uplifted and changed by it ." I suggested that now they would sing How Beautiful Upon the Mountain and asked if she would sing along . Still in the trance state , she began singing . She looked blissful . I gave her the post-hypnotic suggestion that she would sing for someone else after our session .

Days later , I learned from Marion ' s caregiver that she not only sang for the staff and residents , she sang for her doctor during an appointment she had later that day . Bubbling with enthusiasm , she shared her joy with others . Jeremy Taylor says that all dreams come in the service of health and wholeness and that no dream comes to tell us what we already know . Dreams have multiple meanings and when we have a Big Dream , as Marion did , sharing it with someone you trust can have an expansive impact . Robert Moss , another well-known dream expert says that to harness the power of your dreams you need only two things : the ability to recall and the willingness to be open-minded about what your dreams are telling us .

When you have a bad dream , think about these words from Dr . John Kappas , founder of the Hypnosis Motivation Institute , " Venting dreams are the most important to dream analysis since they represent events , traumas , doubts and fears that you are removing from your past and your present . They reflect what you no longer need to hold on to . They must always be recognised and accepted as a venting process , and not misinterpreted as having precognitive value . The purpose of venting is removal ."

The next time you have a bad dream , remind yourself that you are venting . If you dream about someone you knew in elementary school or high school , you are releasing something from that period of your life – so you can feel good about that . Instead of getting up and stewing about it , you can say , " Whew . Glad I vented that !" It ' s been 18 months since Marion vented her death nightmares .