Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -9, 1 March 2021 | Página 19

The most interesting part was the process it has happenedd exactly the way she saw it would . 
 This process is really powerful yet her role Is equally powerful in it . 
 Her first ingredient is implementation - every suggestion giveen in that trance state by her own subconsciouss mind was being followed by her completely .
 Second being relentless Faith as she has taken every step with absolute surity that she is heading towards her health 
 Third being her emotional maturity in order to part ways from toxic people . which , was already shown to her that these people will be eliminated from her life .
 I am really happy for her and I thought to share this miracle here with my reader as to show them what a potent procedure Life script change is . 
 So want to change the already given script by choice …. Come to a Clinical Hypnotherapist for Life Script change . 
 May you enjoy your journey towards becoming a fully potent “ Light Being ” 
 May you find yourself for the good .
 Love , light and Gratitude 

Varshaa Dwivedi - ( C . C . Ht .)
 M . A . English , B . Ed .,

PG Diploma In Journalism & Mass Communication , PG Diploma in ICT 

-Clinical Hypnotherapist , 
 -Past life regression Therapist 
 -Life between Lives therapist 

-NLP Master Trainer , 
 -Crystal Healer , 
 -Tarot Reader ,

- Marma “ Vedic Science ” Therapist 
 -Diploma in Art Therapy 
 -Reiki Healer ( Level - 3 ) 
 www . healyou . in
Email : varshaadwivedi @ yahoo . com