Graham didn ' t have manic depression but he might have fitted the criteria of someone with a ' mood disorder ' - widen the net and you catch more customers . But he hadn ' t gotten along with the storm ridden sea of side effects that come pre-packaged with psychotropic products . " When I look back the worst problems in my life seem to have been the injuries I ' ve suffered from all the drugs I ' ve been given ." Together we helped Graham manage stress better , understand what his needs were and how to meet them healthily , how to spot the very first signs his mood might be changing and what to do to stop himself going all too deep into despondency or anxiety . It ' s so much healthier to exhaust all the natural alternatives before resorting to the consumption of drug products which certainly don ' t always change the brain in a good way . Graham did start to feel strong , healthy and was bit by bit able to genuinely deal with his life problems with enough support . He started to feel that there was nothing wrong with him , not essentially . " I ' m alright , aren ' t I ?" he announced one day . " Yes ," I winked at him , " but keep that quiet as some might say even thinking that is a symptom of not being ." He laughed , but told me he was sad for the pharmaceutical cul-de-sac he ' d travelled down for so long . " Graham ," I said . " Normal humans feel sad sometimes ." And we both took a minute to think that through .
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About Mark Tyrrell
Psychology is my passion . I ' ve been a psychotherapist trainer since 1998 , specialising in brief , solution focused approaches . I now teach practitioners all over the world via
our online courses .