Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -7, 1 January 2021 | Page 9

How do you decide when to end the trance state ?
Being in a hypnotic trance state is essentially being calm , relaxed , and open to suggestions . We slip in and out of trance states naturally many times a day . Think of the last time you were in the shower and lost track of time . It has a lot to do with being fully present — genuinely living in the moment . Imagine driving down the highway lost in thought . So preoccupied that you miss your exit and don ’ t realise it until 20 minutes after you drive by it . That ’ s what it ’ s like to be in a trance state . When someone is in a hypnotic trance , my role as a hypnotherapist is to shift to the side of “ cause ” from “ effect ”. It ’ s less about this “ happened to me ,” and more about “ I could have done this , which may have contributed to that , I will try this instead .” In this way , I help move my patients from victim to victor . That ’ s how real progress is made .

How do you decide when to end the trance state ?

The amount of therapy I do with a patient is dictated by what the patient is prepared for . How are they responding ? What is their readiness for the work ? Some people are able to cover a lot of ground in one session that for another person takes 15 sessions . It depends on the person , the particular problem , their process , and the pace they find comfortable .
My role is to zero in on the patient and their cues . I look for physical markers that tell me a patient has gone through a change . For example , I might notice a shift in breathing or skin colour . Body temperature and changes in expression ( angry to calm , for example ) can also be noticeable ; many subtle cues are frequently overlooked in more traditional psychotherapeutic models . The strength of hypnotherapy is in the subtlety of the work . When people are letting go of a feeling , or behaviour , they often become emotional and cry ; that ’ s natural . I don ’ t want the patient to relive a painful experience ; I want to help them through it . My goal is to anchor all the good feelings that may come from hypnosis , but if they are having a tough time in the trance state , I ease them out of it and get them comfortable again . When the patient is in a gentle , restful place , I bring them back to reality .