Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -7, 1 January 2021 | Page 2


सुखमात्यिन्तकं यत्तद्बुिद्धग्राह्यमतीिन्द्रयम् । वेित्त यत्र न चैवायं िस्थतश्चलित तत्त्वतः �
In that joyous state of Yog , called samādhi , one experiences supreme boundless divine bliss , and thus situated , one never deviates from the Eternal Truth . ( Srimadbhagvat Geeta : Chapter 6 Verse 21 )
Healing through Writing
“ He wrote it he could get rid of it . He had gotten rid of many things by writing them ”. -Ernest Hemingway ( 491 )
 “ All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story or tell a story about them .” Isak Dinesen 
 True : Whatever is going on inside release it on paper every single hurt , pain , bad feelings , fear , causes and effect just pour it gently in a story or there is another method . Do it vehemently which ever the way you like . You may cut few of the things which you think are hurting you more actually scratch the paper there . It could be any thing event , emotions heck somebody ’ s name Just write and go on . 
 it does not require sequential or coherent writing . Write like an inner burst and let it out - Let it all out . Once your tears or anger or disgust or pain or fear or uncertainty or deep hurt or loneliness is on paper scratch it completely or tear it and burn it with deep breaths of letting go 
 Here , I would say its just half the story . All you want to attract , can also be attracted by putting it on paper . 
 Lets see …… Write and write again and this time some beautiful pages of empty Journal book with lovely happy handwriting . And this time when you will put your wishes bring them either in present with simple present tense sentences or use present continuous like coming to me . Which will not