Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 4

9 Ego Defence Mechanisms That Kill Self-Growth

You ’ re hopeless , useless , burdensome . Nothing will ever go well , everyone is always better than you , you ’ ll never be perfect . You want to be liked , but you ’ re unlovable , and a failure at life . Sound familiar ?
To the majority of people this language does . Mental traps – or ego defence mechanisms – serve as the rusty cogs that continue the mechanic cycles of pain , toxic-shame , and hopelessness within us . In many instances , they are so deeply ingrained in the mind , that we are completely oblivious of their existence . The most important thing to realise about these cognitive errors is that they ’ re maladaptive ways of dealing with the world and the self . In fact , living in the world of mental distortions is like living a lie . Your perception is constantly tainted with melancholic negativity that brings forth unrealistic and untruthful thoughts .
But it ’ s not your fault and there is a way of moving through this feeling of stuck-ness .