Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 22

“ I have found that …” is a statement that is usually given as either a hypnotic command or as direct advice on how to triumph under the circumstances .
The statement makes the subject more compliant and suggestible because the hypnotist is stating that they have successfully helped others in the same situation by doing exactly what they are suggesting the subject do : “ I have found that people can relax much more than they believe possible in moments like this …”
One thing ’ s for sure ; The power of the mind is huge , and sometimes we really need it to work for us – and fast . So …
What is a trained emergency hypnotist capable of ?
First responders trained in emergency hypnosis can do amazing things ! When you are trained in this approach you can :
• Stop bleeding in a traumatically injured person ( 1 )
• Reduce burn severity in victims , if you intervene within the first hour ( 2 )
• Reduce or eliminate pain in injured subjects ( 3 )( 4 )( 5 )
• Prevent a person from going into shock and if they do help them overcome it ( 6 )
• Calm fear and anxiety in people ( 7 ).

Tim ’ s daughter was both unlucky and lucky that day . Unlucky of course to be the victim of an accident , but lucky that her dad had the skills to help her calm and heal as fast as possible in the moment .

 William Johnson is a Certified Emergency Hypnosis
Trainer to Emergency First Responders , and a Master Hypnotist . 

See : www . easetrauma . com 
 as well as : 
 https :// www . udemy . com / emergency-hypnosis-trainingfor-first-responders /.