Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -5, 1 November 2020 | Page 20

During or just after an emergency , the person you are helping just wants help . They are desperate and don ’ t have the time or energy to worry about meeting any other needs , such as a need for status by being contrary or conflicting with your ideas . They are willing to do whatever is asked in order to survive their ordeal .
The willing hypnosis client must undergo a successful hypnotic induction or the therapist will not be able to hypnotize them . The emergency hypnosis subject is already in a highly suggestible trance state ! So no formal induction is ever needed .
The willing hypnosis client might not respond to or be suited for certain hypnotic techniques . Therefore a therapist must be versed in dozens of techniques in order to tailor a session to a particular client . The emergency hypnosis subject is functioning totally in his / her emotional brain and subconscious mind already .
This means that the mind ’ s critical factor is unlikely to resist any of the five emergency hypnosis techniques at a practitioner ’ s disposal . The first responder must , however , be able to utilise the emergency hypnosis techniques to ensure success .
Yes , there are only five main techniques . But this does not include eyeaccessing cues , modality recognition , leading and pacing , or hypnotic language and commands , even though all of these are used in emergency hypnosis .
So what are the five emergency hypnosis techniques ? The five emergency hypnosis techniques These five techniques are deceptively simple , yet very powerful !
1 . Verbal contract
This is a technique that is used in every interaction and is the very first thing that must be done before engaging any further . The subject is basically verbally agreeing to comply with your suggestions . So we might say : “ I ’ m going to direct you into a calm state of mind so that you can feel better . Okay ?”
2 . Distracting the conscious mind
This technique utilizes visualization and guided imagery to drastically alter the state the subject is in as well as increase suggestibility .