Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -4, 1 October 2020 | Page 35

Forgiving ourselves is so hard because we are raised since childhood on a steady diet of self-loathing . We are taught that we ’ re sinners , we ’ re not smart enough , we have to be prettier , we must be more popular – and generally , we must find our self-worth and forgiveness outside of ourselves in the form of friends , authority figures , or a supreme being .
Shadow Work Journal :
Go on a journey through the deepest and darkest corners of your psyche . Embrace your inner demons , uncover your hidden gifts , and reach the next level of your spiritual growth . This is deep and powerful work !
It ’ s no wonder that we ’ re constantly asking others – and other people are constantly asking us – for forgiveness . The truth is that you aren ’ t a saint , and forgiving someone won ’ t make their lives better . Only they can make their lives better and choose to forgive themselves . The same goes for you .
Forgiveness doesn ’ t christen you as a saint , but it does baptise you as a more awakened , evolved and loving being .
If you ’ re struggling to forgive like I have for most of my life , keep in mind the myths that muddy the pure waters of forgiveness and soon you will be able to wash yourself of the sins of others .
What have your experiences been with forgiveness ? Do you find it hard to forgive ? What have you learned ? Ask these questions and answer them to your self .
Aletheia Luna is an influential psychospiritual writer whose work has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide , she is currently based in Perth , Australia . After escaping the religious sect she was raised in , Luna experienced a profound existential crisis that led to her spiritual awakening . As a spiritual counselor and author , Luna ' s mission is to help others become conscious of their entrapment and find joy , empowerment , and liberation in any circumstance . Contact : lonerwolf . com