Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -4, 1 October 2020 | Page 14

So are you feeling alone ? Pay attention to these signs :
Why Do I Feel So Alone ?

So are you feeling alone ? Pay attention to these signs :

1 . You feel lonely in a crowd of people 2 . You crave quality human interaction 3 . You feel disappointed with your relationships – you don ’ t feel a deep sense of connection with others that you crave for 4 . You tend to shop a lot or binge ( to avoid the loneliness you carry inside ) 5 . You struggle to relate to others and feel very different from your peers 6 . You often feel sad or depressed 7 . Physically , you may carry a feeling of that there ’ s an empty hole or void inside of you How many signs can you relate to ? Obviously , the more signs you resonate with , the more lonely you probably feel . Also , it ’ s okay if you ’ re experiencing something that isn ’ t included on this list ( it ’ s just as important and valid ).

Why Do I Feel So Alone ?

There are many reasons why you may feel alone and disconnected from other people . You might have experienced :
• The death of a loved one
• Changing , environments , countries , workplaces , etc .
• Not fitting in with those around you
• Being a primary carer of someone with a disability
• Divorce
• Mental illness ( anxiety , depression , bipolar disorder , etc .)
• Physical disability ( loss of hearing , sight , movement , etc .)
• Racism or LGBT discrimination
If you feel severely lonely – and have for most of your life – this might be due to :
• Early life abuse ( emotionally , mentally , spiritually , physically )