Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -3, 1 September 2020 | Page 8
achieve) what we want, so we give up wanting, and deny ourselves the
opportunity to even try. Feeling ‘unworthy’ can create this fear.
You must really, truly desire what you are affirming with your entire body and
soul, mind and spirit. Our ‘intention’ is the first step to successful
manifestation. Don’t be half-hearted about it. Your body and soul will not fully
resonate with your affirmations as they do not truly reflect who you are and
your life path.
The second step in achieving your goal or achievement is commitment to
having it. This entails being willing to have it and all that it entails ... no ‘ifs’,
‘buts’ or ‘maybes’. Do not be half-hearted or ambivalent about it. You must
be precise.
This step requires you to focus upon your true intention/s and to experience
the commitment and conviction that you have in it. You must be committed to
your true desires in order to attain them.
Step 3 is all about ‘affirmations’ and ‘affirming’ what it is that we want.
Stating out-loud or writing down your affirmations is claiming what you want
and affirming it. The more you do it, the better, as each affirmation activates
your intention and this begins to establish it in the physical realm.
The sound of our voice creates a wave form of energy, and the power of your
intention and clarity of your visualisation gives the affirmation extra strength
and endurance.
In order to visualise the attainment of your goal, you must experience it as
fully as you can in the here and now. A ‘vision board’ is another positive way
to affirm and manifest your desires.
Each of these actions will reinforce your inner conviction and affirms your
goals to the Universe.
The fourth step to successful manifestation is by being appreciative and
grateful for what we already have in our lives today, as well as for what is to
come. Give thanks for the manifestation as if it has already taken place. Be