Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -3, 1 September 2020 | Page 14

true freedom. Free to be, to exist, to experience joy, God, innocence, consciousness, is true freedom and is entirely, internally of the present moment. Freedom comes from being aware of what truly makes you happy and taking responsibility for this. You cannot change the world as even attempting to do this creates expectations that will imprison you once more. You can only change yourself and embody the message you wish to share. Freedom to Respond To be aware is to be responsible and to be responsible is having the freedom to respond. A response is not an emotional reaction, a response is a calm action that is performed while fully present and centred in your being. A response can only be born out of a mature soulful energy (https://lonerwolf.com/soulful-energy/) – an immature and lazy person is incapable of action and is consequently irresponsible. Responding is not controlling, as controlling is only another form of enslavement of repression. For example, we try to ignore or destroy parts of our inner being, of our shadow selves, so that we can pretend to be calm and collected. A priest must control his sexual desires so that he can continue to be inauthentic and appear celibate or saintly even though his thoughts are ‘perverse’ to his standards. However, in the end this only creates neuroticism, self-denial and self-hate – something the desire to control and repress causes in everyone. In spite of all similarities, every living situation has, like a newborn child, a new face, that has never been before and will never come again. It demands of you a reaction that cannot be prepared beforehand. It demands nothing of what is past. It demands presence, responsibility; it demands you.” ~ Martin Buber To be free takes courage, to be able to respond in an authentic way takes courage. We are so habituated to avoiding taking risks because of our fear of the uncertain and unknown. It is only through self-love, of feeling comfortable in ourselves, that we can resist depending on external excuses to be more responsible. It is through responsibility that we can become aware of our authenticity and the infinite potential within us, of the joy and freedom inherent in life itself. And it is only once we taste this freedom, this joy, that we become aware of our capacity for passion, our highest reason for being, our calling in life.