Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -3, 1 September 2020 | Page 12

Our countries will tell us that we are free, but most of the time they are only referring to physical freedom or psychological freedom in the form of freedom of speech and thought. But true freedom, spiritual freedom, is to be free in thought and free in soul. Only then can we be authentically true to ourselves. We like to blame our governments, our religions, our parents, our teachers and our societies, but the truth is that we limit our own freedom by not being aware and responsible for our thoughts, feelings, decisions and behaviours. Freedom + Awareness “ We need to be aware that we aren’t, in fact, free, before we can pursue freedom. The first and last step towards personal freedom is complete awareness. When Friedrich Nietzsche said: “God is dead and man is free” he was attempting to liberate himself from the enslavement to his beliefs. He was stating that, while there was a God that lived, man could never be free, as that would merely turn us into puppets. Where we ever asked to be created, and do we ever have a say in our destruction? How can we possibly be free if we are both victims of our births and our deaths? We seek retreats for ourselves, houses in the country, seashores, mountains. But ... we have in our power to retire into ourselves. For there is no retreat that is quieter and freer from trouble than our soul ... perfect tranquility, the right ordering of mind. ~ Marcus Aurelius But Nietzsche’s words were misinterpret by many (as is usually the case), and in doing so, those that rebelled against ‘God’ enslaved themselves even more, becoming reactionary. Just like every other ‘revolutionary’ who is against something, they are never really free. How can an atheist or an anarchist ever be free when they are constantly opposed to something? When they are constantly fighting? These people are enslaved to their own thoughts about what they are fighting for or against and their own emotional reactions to it. Only through awareness can we be totally free, and only though awareness can we choose to remove ourselves from the games of duality, finding our innate wholeness. Freedom can only come through a deep understanding and a deep awareness of life. If your government is sick with ideologies and out of frustration you choose to react, rebel and become ideologically sick also, this only leads to chaos. Now, we’ll change course for a bit.