Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -2, 1 August 2020 | Page 33

 AND POWER OF YEAR ‘4’ (2020)
 with - Month Of August NUMBER 2 IN AN YEAR - YEAR - 4
 This is a year during which the seeds of change you have planted during a Year 1 cycle start to grow. Ideas or attempts to change can be compared to seeds that are nurtured in darkness and just pushing their tendrils up through the soil. A 2 in Year is all about patience. It is a year that you should spend finding new allies and kindred spirits and making any necessary personal changes that might be acting as obstacles to your success. Many people find the year 2 to be challenging as it is often filled with obstacles and delays, but by the end of the year any trials you experience will only refine your best qualities. This is a year to find great love. If you are in a relationship, find ways to intensify the romance. If you are not happy, it is the year to end it. Love in all its aspects is key here. If you do not already support a charity or work for the betterment of the planet, begin to do so this year. The 2 in Year is one of tact, diplomacy and details. You will have the opportunity to work out the finer details of projects which were started (or planned) in the previous year. Patience and tolerance will be needed in everything you do. Things will come to fruition if you are quiet and receptive, keeping in mind that it takes time for things to come to maturity and fulfillment. Patience, tolerance, endurance and consideration for others are all attributes to be learned during this year. Spiritual Development is a feature of the 2 Personal year, and cultivation of spiritual awareness brings inner-peace. This will be extremely important to you throughout this year. The 2 in a Year will be a busy one with endless demands on your time and energy. It is a year of promises, even if they are not to be fulfilled just yet. Keep a cheerful and positive attitude and enjoy working with others. By the end of this year you will realise that a big need or problem has been adjusted to your satisfaction. A 2 in year, is not about having a fun or frivolous time but is about nurturing ideas that are still in their youthful stage. It is also about waiting for the right