Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -10, 1 April 2021 | Page 8

Could hypnotherapy save your relationship ?

As a hypnotherapist , I have helped many clients with all sorts of problems , but one issue crops up time and time again : unhappiness within a relationship . Couples are under more pressure than ever due to busy lives , high expectations , money worries , working long hours and coping with children . Everyone responds differently to those stresses , so something that might be important to one person may not be to their partner , which can lead to them not always understanding each other .
Once your partner has stopped being your friend and making time for you , tries to control you or is spending too much time doing their own thing , the relationship can slip into a downward spiral of upset and blame . This is the point at which clients commonly say , ‘ I can ’ t bear to be around him ’, ‘ He drives me mad ’ or ‘ She is totally selfish ’.
A bad relationship can be isolating , and leave you feeling trapped . I help people to address the problems that have built up by releasing each issue from the subconscious mind . Many of the sources of our angst are stored in the deeper part of the mind , which makes it almost impossible for us to let them go , so people end up arguing repeatedly about the same issues or finding it difficult to forgive someone for a past mistake .
The way we think about things can also be a learned habit . For example , perhaps the reason someone doesn ’ t pull their weight at home is because they didn ’ t have to help with household chores when they were growing up . Or , if they often witnessed their parents putting each other down , they might think it ’ s normal to criticise their partner .