Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -10, 1 April 2021 | Page 3

Arjun ( A Prince from Mahabharata The great Archer ) -Was his father the best archer ? now , it was his quest . Elon Musk ( Current Tesla Founder ) - No body in his family ever build a toy car leave alone a real electric one .

Genetic - Even their imprints can be changed . 
 Rakesh Roshan ( Indian film industry : Director ) - Hritik Roshan ( Indian Film industry Actor ) share same features but their personality or say patterns of thoughts Or quest and way of seeing themselves , makes them look so different from each other . So yes this all is a mental barrier - Your so called genetic diseases are given to you because you strongly believe This will happen . Your belief has come from your childhood surroundings and the information around you . 
 Shift your believe - A long route conscious to subconscious — daily affirmation shorter route- direct change in subconscious pattern - Hypnotherapy 

Now let ’ s understand this MOMENT ; again back to YOU . 
 Its upon YOUR realisation which comes from practice .

So you may get it , in years or in a moment it ’ s your freedom . And only you may attain that . 
 you believe it ’ s possible or you believe it ’ s impossible both ways you are
right !
Write ups and information can be a map but it ’ s not the actual place to travel . With hypnotherapy you may experience the power of your Subconscious mind and the power of altering your beliefs . But , it ’ s practising certain things which will take you to this moment faster . So the answer is YES 

and moment The only thing we have is , ‘ This MOMENT ’ and this is the secret of the secrets . 
 You may perceive it in many ways but the decoding of it will be an AHA moment .

1 . Lexi Hikari : Why you need to do a Tarot Deck Interview . " While all bonding techniques are important , a “ deck interview ” is one