" APRIL 2 021 "
Hard choices are to be made - can you make them ? Look below the surface in all matters , distractions abounds . As the Katha Upnishad famously said " The good is one thing and the pleasent is another " Introspect as to what you are holding on to out of sheer laziness and comfort ." Knowledge and insight should not be forsaken for the superficial pleasure . Choices made will not be comfortable now but will prove valuable and inevitable in the long term . Outgrowing relationships and places still clinging on to them for dubious , self justifying reasons . What you mean by Love may not be shared by others , even your partner . A card indicating spiritual or psychological crisis with resolution being an imperetive . A call to awaken
one ' s potential . Three most important point revealed 1 . Live and Breath Truth : If you are ever going to live in
harmony and become a source of inspiration be truth . As you practice speaking from your truth without being hurtfull or arrogent in any way . You reconnect with the
. energy you have come from in the first place . 2 .. Make Joy your Constent Companion : whatever is the situation or your station in Life . Seek happiness for others ( In your means ) and it ( Happiness ) will follow
you as your consetent companion . 3 . See the God force everywhere : things wil start to
make sense . the more false ego will be shed the more truth of perspective will be yours .
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
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