The Hypnotic Art of Confusion
3 rules for effective confusional hypnotic language
“ There are all kinds of things we can do in this world to make it a better
place but we must start with ourselves .”
Richard Bandler
“ Enlightenment is always preceded by confusion .” – Dr Milton Erickson “ Now there is a part of you which is apart from the part thinking logically and listening to my voice … and it ’ s that part of you that can take a part in this and take apart logical constructs and simply enjoy … drifting deeply into hypnotic trance … now !” Confused ?
Whether you ’ re a hypnotherapist or not , the way confusional language affects the mind demonstrates beautifully how the human mind works . I ’ ve done maybe 200 hundred public demonstrations of hypnosis in public workshops . Oftentimes I elicit volunteers from the group who are very able hypnotic subjects . But sometimes I might get a volunteer who is different .
1 . Tripped up by intellect