Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -10, 1 April 2021 | Page 14

3 The Reward ( or any desired outcome )
 Profoundly successful people understand that your desired reward is already yours . You only have to own it on all levels of belief , and then you own it in life . Now we ' ve arrived at what hypnosis does best : belief system enhancement .
So what is truly rewarding to you ?
 Rewards ... ah , now there ' s a challenge . First you ' ve got to be worthy of them , then you ' ve got to know yourself well enough to know what you would want if you ever actually earned it , then you ' ve got to believe that the reward actually can be yours someday . All this work ?! Why not just go play the lottery and hope for the best instead ?
 Or some of you may be saying , " But I ' ve tried the ' carrot on the end of the stick ' thing , and it doesn ' t work for me ." You ' re damn right it doesn ' t work . It works for a horse because the horse doesn ' t realize that he ' ll never get the carrot . That the carrot will always stay equally far away . That there is no reward for his efforts . But you ' re smarter than the horse on the other end of that stick . That is why we never put the reward out of reach . It has to be tangible . Graspable . Truly motivating .
When thinking about rewards , my clients have found two areas that truly help them to identify ways in which they can be good to themselves :
1 Things they could have or could do , but aren ' t making time for ; and ...
2 Things they did when they were procrastinating , but didn ' t fully enjoy because they felt guilty for avoiding their goals .
4 Does this sound familiar ? " I loved to read when I was younger , but now I ' m too busy . I should read more ." Or maybe , " I ' d spend more time playing piano if this house was ever clean ." Realize something : Rewards are those things that you enjoy fully because you ' ve earned them . And you ' ll notice that many rewards are about time , not money . So even a shortage of funds isn ' t a valid excuse . You could go read or play piano or do whatever you love to do right now . Of course , it would be half-empty fun because you ' d know you should be doing something else . Unless you earn it first . Your time is now .