Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -10, 1 April 2021 | Page 12

Overcome Procrastination with Hypnosis

Imagine this : You ' ve got a great idea for a product or service . As usual , you ' ve waited until the last minute to put together your big presentation or sales call .
In the throes of your 11th-hour scramble , you notice a dog sleeping comfortably nearby . The thought crosses your mind , " What I wouldn ' t give to be that dog right now . Why do I put myself through all this stress ? If I was a dog , I could just lie there without a care in the world . I wish I was a do
Good News !!! In some very useful ways , you are .
Remember Ivan Pavlov ? He earned a Nobel Prize in 1904 by demonstrating that he could use a bell to trigger a drooling response from dogs who had learned to associate the bell with food . Let ' s be clear about something , folks : Pavlov ' s dogs didn ' t salivate because they were excited to be involved in a paradigm-shifting experiment . Nor was it because they were Russian dogs , and Russian dogs are big droolers mind you . They learned to drool because they anticipated a reward . Period . You know that the world needs that product , that idea of yours . But maybe you ' ve had a habit of procrastinating in the past . Hypnosis is an efficient , powerful , and safe tool which helps you tap into your ability to take action . In the same way that the action of drooling became automatic for Pavlov ' s dogs , your learning to anticipate a reward can teach you automatically to take action . Your time is now .
There are three major parts to Pavlov ' s experiment , and hypnosis uses the same steps to create your new habit . Let ' s have a look at them .
1 The Bell ( or any stimulus ) The bell tolls for thee , my friend . Our internal bell is " that feeling ." If you ' ve been a procrastinator in the past , you know " that feeling ." Most people call it dread , or fear , or maybe avoidance . But everyone who has overcome procrastination knows that there ' s only one way to get rid of that feeling . . . ( this is not the part where you say , " Go watch a movie ?" or " Take a nap ?") . . . the only way to rid yourself of it : Take Action . Hypnosis can bring your internal messages more clearly into your