Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue -10, 1 April 2021 | Page 10

4 . Be A Dream-Maker ( Not Breaker )
Encourage your partner to fulfil their dreams and ask them to allow you to achieve yours , too . For example , if your partner wants to have an art studio at home , help them to create space so they can paint . Or if they want to go on a hiking holiday , help them to choose the perfect rucksack . When you both feel free , you will both be happy . Try saying encouraging things . Tell your partner to , ‘ Do what feels right ’ and , ‘ Give your ideas a go ’. When they hear these positive messages , and you hear yourself saying the words , you will both begin to change . Learn to laugh and have fun .
5 . Discuss Rather Than Argue
Many irritations in relationships are when one person thinks the other should be doing or seeing things their way , that they are always right . Try turning irritating comments into humour – see the situation as a cartoon so that you can laugh at it . Learn to stand up for yourself by working on the way you approach conversations . For example , say , ‘ We are both right and we are both wrong ; we see things differently because we are different people .’ Try shouting at a photograph of your partner so you can get whatever is annoying you off your chest before you speak to them in person . When you do meet , you will be calmer and more rational and you may feel there is no need for a discussion .

6 . Learn To Listen
Nobody wants to hear a bad appraisal of themselves at work and this also applies at home . Try to focus on your partner ’ s strengths and listen to each other . Make a conscious effort to be interested in what they have to say . Look at your partner ’ s face and enjoy seeing them express themselves . Try scheduling regular meetings to discuss the way you are running your lives . Start with some compliments , then make suggestions to each other about how things could be improved . Use words such as ‘ perhaps ’ and ‘ maybe ’ so that your partner feels that the suggestions are optional , which might make them more open to making changes . But whatever happens in the meeting should remain in the meeting , rather than allowing the emotions to be carried with you into your everyday life .

7 . Call Time On The Put-Downs
You wouldn ’ t tell your neighbour how to cut their grass , so don ’ t tell your partner what to do or how to live their life . Let them and other family