Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue 1, 1 July 2020 | Page 20
That looks like forgiveness, either with yourself or someone else, or simply
letting go of your fears. Talking more to people that you love about what you
love about them is also a symptom of taking down walls.
“Spidey senses” don′t work in a fear based environment. And although the
walls of fear and loss that you have built are very effective, they are preventing
you from living the most abundant life possible. Reiki healing is a very
powerful tool to help you break down those walls. Think of your intuition as
your best friend in the world, the one you can always trust implicitly no
matter what. When you get those messages, those are the real deal baby!
Trust it. But you do have to take down that wall first
3. Clear your third eye chakra to see the future.
If you are interested in developing your psychic gifts, one very powerful tool
you have at your disposal is your third eye chakra Your third eye chakra is an
energy system in itself and responds very well to energy healing methods such
as Reiki healing. Your third eye chakra is an invisible spinning wheel of
energy located between your two eyes in your forehead.
This energy system rules your foresight, and your ability to see the future.
People with clear and active third eye chakras are able to receive visions of the
future and have a very powerful intuition on what will happen in the future.
Reiki healing can manipulate the energy fields around your third eye chakra
to help keep it clear and in good working order. Reiki healing is also probably
the fastest method of healing to perform on your third eye chakra if you want
to tweak it or clear it so that you can work with your own psychic gifts.
In fact, Reiki healing is so effective at clearing your third eye chakra, that if
that′s the only step you take to use Reiki to connect with your psychic gifts, it
will be a very powerful and effective step indeed. We still want you to believe
in your own superpowers and break down those walls to live an abundant and