Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue 1, 1 July 2020 | Page 18

HOW TO ENHANCE PSYCHIC GIFTS WITH REIKI HEALING Have you been working on developing your psychic gifts? A lot of people give up because they don’t start seeing results right away. Sounds familiar? Some of us have an easier time of accessing them, and others just need to practice. But there is one path that can be very effective for many in trying to reach that psychic Self. And that is the path of Reiki healing. Reiki healing is a channeling of universal energy who's connect we already have in our own body and around us. With this healing, we clear chakras and remove blockages that are keeping us from growing and maturing spiritually. Reiki healing is a powerful technique that can heal many areas of our life. It is also an ancient technique begun by the Japanese, centuries ago for healing of all kinds. Using our psychic senses is not any different, than using our other senses. We experience chocolate differently than someone else. Our psychic sense is the same. And what works for you in accessing that, may not work for someone else, and vice versa. But that doesn′t mean we should give up. It just means we need to keep looking for the method that works best for us. Let’s talk today about how we can start using our inner superpowers with Reiki healing. What is Reiki healing? The word “Reiki” comes from the Japanese words “Rei” which means wisdom from your Higher Power, and “Ki” which means, life force energy. So what Reiki healing literally does then is take wisdom from Source or Higher Power or, Universe or Heaven, or whatever you wish to call it, and use that in conjunction with life force energy for healing.