Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume 5, Issue 1, 1 July 2020 | Page 14
To lead a spiritual life you need to embrace and respect your sexuality just
as much as any other part of your nature. Although sex has been linked
to many dirty and “perverse” ideas, the act of lovemaking can truly be
something sacred and profound.
How to Deal With Sexual Guilt and Shame
Sexuality is a taboo topic in our society because it is one of those primal
forces which we consciously or unconsciously feel powerless to control.
Deep down, we sense that it is connected to that unknown universal source
of energy from which we came from and continue to exist within.
The feeling of shame is one of the biggest obstacles most of us face in
learning to embrace our sexuality. In a culture that has infected us with the
notions of virtue and shame; where a murder scene on television is more
“viewer-friendly” than a lovemaking one; where women were once thought
of as incapable of experiencing an orgasm, it becomes apparent how
difficult it is to openly accept and acknowledge this life force that exists
within us.
Shame is an emotion that we’re taught by our families and communities.
Since a very young age we’re taught what we “should and shouldn’t feel
bad about,” and as a result of this we develop the capacity to experience
guilt. Through guilt we begin rejecting sacred aspects of ourselves and
repressing them deep into our Shadow selves; our sexual desires, quirks,
attractions and fantasies.
I’ve even seen some people deny their sexuality, dismissing it as a “lower
physical instinct/vibration” or claiming to “rise above it” as if there is a
division between “lower” physical cravings and “higher” spiritual functions
when we are seeking wholeness. Sex forms the base notes of your Spirit’s
musical melody.
Of course, you are more than solely a sexual being: your sexuality doesn’t
define you, but it is a part of you. But it’s by denying it as a part of you that
you create blockages of energy within your body that perpetuates the
fragmentation of your soul, keeping you incomplete and restricted instead of
expanded and whole.
Ironically, it is the sexual orgasm that gives us a taste of soulful expansion,
of transcending our limited selves, and feeling boundless for the first time in
our entire lives (if only a momentary glimpse).