Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 9 1 March 2020 | Page 38

figures into harmless characters or destroys them altogether. Good examples of questions to ask in lucid dreams are: • • • • “Who are you?” “Why are you here?” “Why are you acting that way?” “Can I help you?” 4. Lucid dreaming can help you explore the meaning of life … Knowing that I was dreaming, I found myself in an infinite void, no longer an “I” but a “We”.  This “We” was a sphere of pure light.   –  C.C.  (California) Perhaps most intriguing of all, lucid dreaming can open a doorway to exploring the meaning of life.   As author Peter Brent suggested in his book The World of the Sufi, we all may be perceiving the world using the wrong senses. For instance, the Tibetan Buddhists and Sufis alike have used lucid dreaming for thousands of years to explore the nature of reality. Why then, can’t the average person?   Ultimately, it’s impossible to know how truly valid a dream’s information is. But those with open minds can explore this fascinating pathway with curiosity and discernment. Here’s a simple lucid dreaming exercise for exploring the meaning of your life: 1. Before going to sleep focus on an affirmation or question. Some examples could be: • • • “Why am I here?” “Guide me to light and love” “What is my meaning?”