Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 9 1 March 2020 | Page 32

• Before sleeping also visualize that you’re back in your last dream. Think of one of your common dreamsigns (which is a peculiar symbol that shows the dream is unreal, e.g., you’re crawling instead of the usual walking) and visualize yourself becoming lucid. • Fall to sleep thinking solely of your intention. Tip:  It’s recommended that you hit at least 2 targets a day for the period of a week before trying to become lucid in your dreams. Did you know? You can have actual orgasms while lucid dreaming. ;) 3. WILDS Technique WILDS, or Wake-Initiated Lucid Dreams, is another way to induce lucidity. Basically, the idea behind this technique is to fall asleep consciously. WILDS allow you to enter directly into the lucid dream state. A few WILDS techniques are below: i) Focus on Pre-sleep Mental Images Have you ever found yourself drifting off to sleep, while strange scenes play in your mind – yet you’re not fully asleep yet?   This is called hypnagogic imagery and the premise of WILDS is to focus on this imagery gently. At first, the images and scenes in your hypnagogic state will be disconnected and fleeting, but continue to observe. Once the images and scenes become connected and vivid, the idea is to passively allow yourself to be drawn into the dream world. This bit is a little tricky and may require practice, but keep at it and you’ll get there eventually! Tips:   Remain detached and passive. If you  forcefully  try to have too much involvement it’s likely the images will vanish and you will awaken. Being gentle is the key. ii) Counting Sheep