Healing and Hypnotherapy Volume - 4, issue 9 1 March 2020 | Page 30

Basically, if you can’t recall your dreams, you won’t be able to remember to become lucid in the dream world.   This exercise is about recording your dreams in as much detail as possible, for maximum dream recall. It’s also about finding peculiarities in your dreams called dreamsigns. It’s recommended that you keep track of your dreams for 14 days in a row before you attempt to lucid dream. Keeping a dream journal will allow you to collect the dreamsigns that frequently emerge in your dreams – these are essentially unrealistic occurrences in reality. Dreamsigns will help trigger lucid dreams in the future once you’re able to identify your most frequently occurring sign.  So what exactly do dreamsigns look like?  Well, dreamsigns are highly personal in nature. Your dreamsign could be that the sun is usually purple or an intimate friend is always a stranger. Dreamsigns can be many and varied. For example they could be: • Thoughts • Emotions • Sensations • Perceptions • Actions (personal/character/object) • Form (personal/character/setting/object) • Context (personal role/character role/character place/object place/ setting place/setting time/situation) After attempting these three exercises, you are then ready to begin lucid dreaming. We’ll explore how to lucid dream next.  How to Lucid Dream Tonight – 3 Lucid Dreaming Techniques Dreams are more real than reality itself, they’re closer to the self. – GAO XINGJIAN, Dialogue and Rebuttal Now, let’s get to the meat and bones of this article: how to lucid dream. Here are some major techniques to explore either individually, or if you like, one- after-the-other: 1. Autosuggestion The Autosuggestion technique involves suggesting to yourself that you’ll have a lucid dream the same night or another. This is all done while deeply relaxing and clearing the mind before sleep. The goal is to put yourself in the frame of